Britney Spears' father refused custody of his daughter

08 September 2021, 09:30 | gossip
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Jamie Spears on Tuesday, September 7, filed a lawsuit to end 13-year custody of his daughter, American singer Britney Spears.

Reported by CNN.

" If Ms. Spears wants to end her guardianship and believes she can handle her own life, Mr.

Spears believes she should get that chance, "

Jamie Spears cited the singer's previous testimony, pointing out that Britney wants to control her life on her own "

" She wants to control the money she earns in her career and spend it unattended.. She wants to be able to get married and give birth to a child, if he so wishes, "

The next hearing on the case will take place on September 29.

In June, Britney Spears made a public statement in a courtroom for the first time in 13 years of custody of her father.. The singer performed for 20 minutes and during this time she said that she did not control her life and wanted to regain her rights..

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