The name of the first participant of the show "

10 July 2021, 01:51 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer Jamala, who shook her slim figure at a recent performance at Atlas Weekend, surprised fans with news.

The performer announced that she became the first participant in the fifth season of the dance project " The artist has launched the traditional #dancing_zzirkamichallenge - an annual star challenge, with the help of which the participants of the new season will transmit a dance challenge to each other with an invitation to take part in the show.

Jha announced her participation in the show on her Instagram page by launching #dancing. In the video, the singer in a bright costume danced incendiary movements at home, in the dressing room, in the car and in front of the stage. The artist passed the challenge to the singer Fagot. Whether he will take over the baton and whether he will enter the main dance floor of the country, it will become known soon. " There is so much in it that I have never done before.! I have never danced professionally, have never worked with a coach. Although those who have been to my concerts will confirm - I love to express my words, music with movements. I dance my every emotion with my hands, feet, as I can, as my body tells me. But I will have a chance to learn, to bring my dancing skills to a new level, because I am a participant in the new season of the show " Surely there will be ups and downs. But I will really wait for you to support me in all my forms.

See you at the Dances "

Which of the stars will sit in the judges' chairs in the new season, while kept secret.

Recall that recently the 1 + 1 TV channel held an open casting of dancers. More than 350 dancers have applied to participate in the star show. And only 70 experienced dancers got to the casting, which was conducted by the creative producer of the show Elena Kolyadenko and choreographer Alena Shoptenko. Who will be the dancers on the floor of "

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