Solomiya Vitvitskaya in a light dress walked around Hollywood

27 December 2020, 14:38 | gossip
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The host of "

As the TV star shared, she went to Los Angeles on business, because with a new work schedule, only now there is an opportunity to go overseas. Almost the first thing that the star of the " The celebrity shared the corresponding photo on the Instagram page. In the photo, the happy presenter posed against the background of the HOLLYWOOD inscription in a light dress in a floral print.

Also Solomiya, along with her friend, walked along the Walk of Fame and took a photo trend called Follow Me.

In addition, in Instagram stories, the TV presenter shared how she got to the USA.

So, Solomiya flew through Istanbul with a transfer, because, according to her, it was risky through Europe. When landing in the stars, they did not ask for a negative test for coronavirus, however, during the flight, all passengers were wearing masks. The celebrity added that the pandemic also affected the food on the plane, because instead of hot dishes they brought her a sandwich, and they gave water on demand..

Recall that the other day, the thinner Solomiya Vitvitskaya emphasized her figure with a tight red dress. The presenter lost three kilograms.

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