Anna Sedokova shared a video in which she cries hysterically because of haters

18 December 2020, 17:08 | gossip
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Popular singer Anna Sedokova met her 38th birthday not only with a skin disease, but also hysterical due to haters.

So, the artist was greatly upset by the negative comments of users on Instagram.. In her stories, the star posted a video where she cries hysterically. As the performer shared, one of the comments, which brought her to tears, concerned the singer's young chosen one, basketball player Janis Timma. The other day the athlete played with the Khimki team against the Spanish Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere the team of the chosen one Sedokova lost.

One of the users wrote that it was time for Timma to go from Khimki to his old woman, because it was allegedly because of him that the basketball players were defeated.

To view photos and videos, scroll to the right.Also, in the commentary, the performer replied that her husband went to matches with both fractures and fever, so as not to let colleagues down.

Subsequently, the performer published a post on the page in the photoblog, where she noted that it is difficult for her to live in a world where one in four expects that she will be wrong.

Sedokova added that she will definitely create a fund for social assistance to victims of bullying, where they will say to the victims: “You are strong! "

We will remind, earlier Anna Sedokova removed her husband in a new video and showed footage from the wedding. The artist presented a video for the song "

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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