Vladimir Ostapchuk went to singers and released a dance track

18 December 2020, 15:00 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian presenter and showman Vladimir Ostapchuk, who with his wife romantically decorated a Christmas tree at home, decided to become a singer.

So, the artist presented a dance track called " As Ostapchuk noted, he had the idea of \u200b\u200bthis song a few months ago.. Even then, he really wanted to spend this year forever.

Note that in addition to the audio premiere, the showman also plans to shoot a video for the track " The showman's subscribers will become its directors. How, the artist does not disclose yet, but says that he prepared a certain quiz.

Recall that a month ago Vladimir Ostapchuk presented his debut song dedicated to his wife. The artist recorded a composition specifically for the wedding with Kristina Gornyak.

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