51-year-old Helen Christensen in translucent bodysuit captured a luxurious figure

03 December 2020, 19:09 | gossip
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Danish supermodel Helena Christensen, who recently showed off her buttocks, doesn't stop capturing fans with her looks.

So, the 51-year-old star of the modeling business on her Instagram posted a series of pictures in which she appears in a translucent bodysuit, a playful red robe and scarlet lace underwear.

This shoot was dedicated to the new collection of lingerie from the famous Victoria's Secret lingerie brand..

The fans were delighted with what they saw and showered Helen with compliments:.

You're just a teenager Incredible beauty both inside and out What a hot babe We remind you that in June 51-year-old Helen Christensen completely naked for filming in the famous gloss. Model graces the cover of the Spanish Harper's Bazaar.

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