Megan Fox officially filed for divorce from Brian Austin Green

26 November 2020, 12:45 | gossip
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The relationship between the famous American actress Megan Fox and the star of "

So, as it became known, the star of "

According to The Blast, Fox has filed a divorce petition in Los Angeles County Court..

It is not yet known if child custody or financial support will be an issue in this divorce, but Brian Austin Green also presented his answer in court, which usually means that the divorce will be peaceful.

Note that Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green got married in 2010 and gave birth to three children - Bodhi, Noah and Jornie, but in May of this year the couple broke up.

After parting, almost immediately it became known about the new relationship of the actress. She had an affair with rapper Machine Gun Kelly (Colson Baker).

Recall, the other day vigilant paparazzi noticed a new tattoo on Megan Fox's collarbone. As it turned out, she dedicated a fresh drawing to her new boyfriend. The actress filled the inscription in Spanish el pistolero, which means "

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