Long-legged Svetlana Loboda in a mini dress appeared with a little daughter in her arms

06 November 2020, 19:44 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Singer Svetlana Loboda, who recently showed her mother, is now enjoying a vacation in warm lands with her children.

How her vacation goes, the artist showed on Instagram. The performer posted several pictures in which she stands with her youngest daughter Tilda in her arms. Star mom poses in a black mini dress that emphasized Loboda's slender legs.

Under the post, Svetlana admitted that she is very happy to be a mother:.

The singer's fans did not hide that these pictures were very touched by them:.

Which pie is already big. How fast children grow up How good is that you began to spend more time with your children Wonderful mother. This is the kind of wife you need to love strongly. Recall that the other day Svetlana Loboda puzzled the fans with her bright pink hair. The artist admitted that the author of her new image has a daughter.

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