Anastasia Prikhodko boasted slender legs in a mini dress

02 November 2020, 12:00 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko, who recently showed her house for the first time, is a supporter of a healthy diet.

As evidenced by the slim figure of a celebrity. So, the performer on her Instagram page posted a black and white picture taken in Kiev on Podil. In the photo Prikhodko poses in a black mini-dress, which made it possible to see the slender legs of the artist.

In turn, the fans of the performer could not resist compliments addressed to her:.

What photo, what legs!

Beauty What a Mademoiselle Recall that Anastasia Prikhodko recently confessed why her 10-year-old daughter does not know about her biological father. According to the performer, Nurik Kukhilava does not deserve to communicate with her daughter.

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