Kourtney Kardashian in a micro-bikini arranged a seductive photo shoot with her friend

25 August 2020, 08:17 | gossip
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American reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian once again delighted fans with pictures in a swimsuit.

On her Instagram page, the star posted a photo with her friend Addison Ray, taken during their vacation in Palm Springs..

41-year-old Kourtney in a turquoise mini-bikini arranged a hot photo shoot for her friend by the water. In the photo, Addison poses sexually lying on a towel while Courtney stands over her with a camera in her hands..

Fans appreciated the pictures of women in bikinis, noting their sexy.

You are very cool!

Can I come to you?

The figure is just sexy!

Recall that not so long ago, Kourtney Kardashian posted a photo in which she posed in a silver monokini, demonstrating appetizing forms.

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