Tonya Matvienko and Arsen Mirzoyan arranged a surprise for young unfamiliar

17 August 2020, 20:28 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Tonya Matvienko, together with her husband Arsen Mirzoyan, being in the city of Zhovkva in the Lviv region, decided to unexpectedly congratulate a young married couple on a solemn event.

The gift was the performance of the artists at the wedding of the newlyweds. Festive festivities took place in one of the city's hotel complexes. It was in it at that time that the star spouses stayed.

As Tonya Matvienko noted on her Instagram page, this performance was a completely unplanned step:.

The unexpected appearance of the artists at the wedding was a surprise not only for the newlyweds, but also for the guests of the event, who sang along, danced and applauded the artists.

We will remind, not so long ago, Tonya Matvienko in a lace bra showed tenderness with Mirzoyan in bed. The singer shared a romantic photo with her famous husband.

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