Potap with a long beard and gray hair showed the first shot from the filming of "

12 August 2020, 22:05 | gossip
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Famous Ukrainian rapper and producer Alexei Potapenko, aka Potap, shared the first shot from the filming of the comedy film "

On his Instagram page, the artist posted a selfie showing the makeup process of the star, who played the role of a priest in the film.. So, Alexey was sitting at a dressing table with a long beard and gray hair.

In response, the intrigued fans admitted that they were looking forward to the tape.. Also, users expressed their assumptions about who will have a wedding this time..

I'm so glad there will be a third part. I look forward to And who will have a wedding?

Now suddenly a son appears?

Potap is simply incredible So, according to the plot of " 18-year-old Zakhar found love and decided to get married.

She is the daughter of a gypsy baron, he is the youngest son of Vasily Seredyuk, and despite the fact that Zakhar is ready for anything after two weddings of his elder sisters, everything may not go according to the wedding plan, especially when the elder Seredyuk is in the midst of a midlife crisis.

We will remind, earlier TSN website. ua showed how Potap has changed over 20 years on stage. During his musical career, the rapper changed not only the repertoire, but also the style..

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