Netflix to film for the first time in Ukraine starring Van Damme

01 August 2020, 01:42 | gossip
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The American company Netflix, which is a renowned supplier of films and series based on streaming media, makes a film for the first time in Ukraine.

Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko announced this on his Facebook page.

According to him, the lion's share of the filming of a comedy action movie about political intrigue at the state level will take place in Kiev, and the filming will also be in Paris..

Leading actors include Jean-Claude Van Dam and Alban Ivanov. It is noteworthy that the filming of the tape has already started and will last until autumn.

Film producers - Vlad Ryashin, Jean-Charles Levy and Olias Barco. Directed by David Sharon and director of photography Thierry Arbogast.

We will remind, recently it became known that Hollywood acquired a Ukrainian film. The thriller Let it snow - "

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