Offended Harry and Meghan have come up with a way to take revenge on the royal family - media

24 July 2020, 14:18 | gossip
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Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, who will soon release a frank autobiographical book about the life of the Dukes of Sussex, will completely spoil relations with the royal family..

At least that's what insiders say, who told the Daily Mail that the offended couple would use the book to get revenge on their relatives..

In particular, in their autobiography, the spouses will tell the whole truth about engagement, marriage and life in royal status..

In addition, the message says that the spouses were warned how this could end. However, Harry and Megan do not care about the consequences of the book's release, since they are convinced that they did the right thing and justly..

Note that extracts from the edition will be published for the first time this weekend.. The book itself will be published on August 11, 2020..

Recall that at the beginning of January in 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their desire to live in two countries - the UK and Canada in a statement on their withdrawal from the royal family.

In March, Meghan declared her independence from the royal family and prematurely lost her royal status..

However, the spouses' move to Canada caused discontent among local residents..

They drew up a petition asking not to cover the bills of the royal couple with the help of taxpayers. And the country's authorities refused to pay for the protection of the spouses.

The couple later moved to the USA. Harry and Meghan left the island in Vancouver and settled in Los Angeles, near Hollywood.

From April 1, spouses are no longer considered members of the royal family. As it became known, the date of March 31 was not chosen by chance, because it is on the last day of this month that marks the end of the financial year.

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