The grandson of the legendary Catherine Deneuve was detained due to ties with the Italian mafia

18 July 2020, 14:42 | gossip
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The family of the legendary actress Catherine Deneuve was at the center of the scandal.

So, the 32-year-old grandson of the star, who suffered a stroke in early November, was taken into custody in France. Igor Vadim is suspected of having links with the Italian mafia, the production and distribution of counterfeit notes of 50 euros. Writes about this Daily Mail.

A total of 44 people were arrested, of which 40 were in Italy.. Another arrest took place in Belgium. Igor Vadim is one of three people detained in France as part of a criminal syndicate event in Camorra.

The police seized about 10 million euros of counterfeit bills and 8 million of real.

Now the grandson of the legendary actress will be extradited to Italy. There a man will stand trial.

Recall that in the fall of 2019, Catherine Deneuve had an ischemic stroke. The star was hospitalized immediately from the set of the new film De son vivant, which was filmed on that day in the hospital. It is thanks to this actress that they were able to provide the necessary assistance on time. 76-year-old star was discharged from hospital a month after the tragedy.

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