Taisiya Povaliy showed her mother and congratulated her on her birthday

13 July 2020, 18:53 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Singer Taisiya Povaliy spoke about the holiday in her family.

So, on Sunday, July 12, the birthday of mother of the artist Nina Danilovna celebrated. Povaliy told about this on her Instagram page.. The performer posted a photo of a loved one and addressed him warm congratulatory words:.

Colleagues of the singer joined in the congratulations and wished the mother of the star to be healthy and happy:.


Live happily ever after, in health and peace! Enjoy life! \! Long life " When the Revolution of Dignity took place in Ukraine in February 2014, Povaliy traveled to Russia with concerts, performed at a concert in the Kremlin, and then congratulated Crimeans on the celebration of Russian Independence Day in Yalta.

In May 2014, Povaliy left the Party of Regions faction, in the autumn of that year her powers as a deputy were terminated, the singer actually quit politics and left for Russia.

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