Dmitry Komarov declassified that he gave his beloved on his first anniversary of marriage and whether a couple of children are p

12 July 2020, 09:06 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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The host of the program “Peace Inside Out” Dmitry Komarov recently celebrated his first marriage anniversary with his wife Alexandra Kucherenko.

So, the couple got married last June.

The traveler told how the lovers celebrated the date and which one gave the beloved a gift, it is said in "

Dmitry noted that on this day she and Alexandra went to their parents, where they sat in the fresh air and drank a glass of champagne.

Komarov also said whether the young spouses plan replenishment in the family.

Recall that Dmitry Komarov and Alexandra Kucherenko got married in June in 2019. The couple met before the wedding for two years, but did not live together. Lovers gathered only after registering a relationship. Interestingly, Dmitry and Alexandra got married in Jerusalem. Married in a church in an Orthodox church.

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