Hot Nadia Dorofeeva in a transparent mini-dress lit seductive forms

06 July 2020, 09:17 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer and ex-soloist of the group "

So, on her Instagram page, a celebrity posted pictures, which she seductively posed in a transparent mini-dress. The star pleased the fans by highlighting underwear and a sexy figure.

The performer complemented a rather bold bow with black and white high-heeled shoes and made a hairstyle with a wet effect.

Interestingly, Nadia stood against the backdrop of a huge portrait of her colleague Positive. In a post, the star announced changes in the band's farewell tour.

In response, users suggested that the alleged surprise from idols is a new hit..

Recall recently, Nadia Dorofeeva in a swimsuit swam with Dantes on a yacht in Odessa. The singer shared romantic photos with her beloved.

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