Supermodel Cara Delevingne commented on her breakup with a girl

16 May 2020, 16:27 | gossip
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Famous British model Cara Delevingne commented on the breakup with her girlfriend, actress Ashley Benson.

Note that recently the model’s sweetheart was caught kissing with American rapper G-Eazy. After that, Kara's fans accused Ashley of treason and began to write threats, call and insult her.

Delevingne, in turn, paused to calm her fans and in her Instagram Stories called on them to stop.

" You don’t know the truth, only she and I know, and this is exactly how it should be, "

It is noteworthy that these words of Kara, Benson also published on her Instagram Stories, after which the fans calmed down and decided that Kariya and Ashley managed to maintain friendly relations after the break.

Recall, the other day it became known about the separation of Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson. In the inner circle of ex-lovers they say that they are not together from April.

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