Famous singer Lorde accused Kanye West of plagiarism

13 November 2018, 15:11 | gossip
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The famous New Zealand singer Lorde, who was recognized as the best foreign singer of the year, has now accused Kanye West and his colleague on the scene Kid Cudi of plagiarism.

So, in Instagram-Stories, the singer claims that rappers stole her stage idea and now give out for their.

The 22-year-old star drew attention to the fact that in their joint performance the rappers used a huge glass box with people flying over the concert platform..

A similar technique Lorde used back in 2017 during a performance at the Coachella festival.

"I am proud of my work, and it's great when others are inspired by her. But do not steal - neither women, nor anyone else - neither in 2018 nor ever else, "she wrote.

No comments from Kanye West and Kid Cudi yet.

Recall, recently Kanye West's wife Kim Kardashian was accused of plagiarism. Vibes Media, a large marketing company, saw a copy of their logo in a bottle of Kardashian called Vibes in a bottle.

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