50-year-old Julia Roberts in colorful dresses climbed over rocks in a new photo shoot

12 October 2018, 12:18 | gossip
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Hollywood star Julia Roberts, who celebrates her 51st birthday on October 28, starred in a new photo shoot.

On the eve of the birthday of the star of the tape "Pretty Woman" took part in the shooting for Harper's Bazaar gloss. On the photos Julia appears in bright dresses of saturated colors - green and pink..

For the publication Roberts gave an interview to Oprah Winfrey. The star admitted that she is very afraid of heights.. Therefore, during the photoset I challenged myself. The shooting took place against the background of the rocks, on which the celebrity even climbed a little, however, having secured himself with a rope.

"I was afraid of heights all my life!

Perhaps this is hereditary, my father also had this fear. About seven years ago, Danny and I (the actress’s husband is. ed. ) invited to a mountain hike. I thought, “God, how will I do it!” At that very moment I thought, am I really still so afraid? And decided! However, this campaign only confirmed that I am still terribly afraid of heights, ”Roberts admitted..

Recall that a month ago, Julia Roberts brought on the stage a fan who dreamed of meeting her 30 years.

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