Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner officially divorced

08 October 2018, 15:46 | gossip
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Star couple of actors Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, who recently commented on his alcohol addiction the other day, officially divorced.

From the start of the divorce proceedings, which the actress began last year, the spouses finally managed to settle all the questions and put their signatures.

The other day, the couple signed the documents about the divorce, reports People.

On the eve of the house Garner ex-spouses met with lawyers and the judge to discuss the details. And now all stages of divorce passed.

Note ben and jennifer got married in 2005. The couple have three children: 12-year-old Violet, 9-year-old Serafina and 6-year-old Samuel, they shared equal custody. Such a decision implies that Affleck and Garner will equally participate in the upbringing of children and coordinate decisions regarding their future, education and other activities..

However, according to the TMZ portal, since Afflek is now being treated for alcoholism, Garner does not discuss custody issues with him until he is completely sober and stable.. Now the ex-spouses have agreed to a free schedule - the agreement does not indicate how much time Violet, Serafina and Samuel spend with their mom and dad. But first, while Ben’s condition is still in question, he can spend time with children only under the supervision of video cameras.. So Garner can be sure that he is sober and the children are safe.

Recall that recently Ben Affleck was caught on a date with a young Playboy model Shauna Sexton..

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