Uninvited guest: half-sister Megan was not allowed into Kensington Palace

08 October 2018, 13:21 | gossip
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The half-sister of Prince Harry’s wife, Megan Samantha Markle, who recently humiliated her mother, continues to resort to desperate measures to reconcile with the Duchess of Sussex.

A week ago, a woman arrived in London to talk with Megan, but when the meeting did not take place, she went to one of the programs of British television. During the broadcast, she found the strength to apologize for her behavior and expressed hope that the parties would soon be reconciled..

However, now the Duchess's stepsister resorted to extreme measures - she tried to get into the royal residence without an invitation, according to the publication Mirror.

The publication published images, which shot Samantha, who moved in a wheelchair, accompanied by a man. The woman argued with the guards at the gate for a long time, but they remained adamant - without a special invitation from members of the royal family, the entrance to the territory was closed.

Apparently, Samantha was ready for such an option, so she handed the sister a pre-prepared letter.

"Everyone would like to know what is in this letter," the Duchess's sister later wrote on her Twitter..

For Samantha Markl, it was a huge step towards rapprochement with her sister, and perhaps after the letter reaches the addressee, the situation will change for the better..

Recall the discord in the Markle family began with the fact that Megan did not invite her brother and sister to the wedding. They are so hurt that they began to comment on almost every step and accuse the duchess of disrespect.

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