Younger sister Demi Lovato commented on the state of the star after an overdose

03 October 2018, 12:38 | gossip
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Popular singer Demi Lovato, who was hospitalized with an overdose of drugs, is currently undergoing rehabilitation..

So, her younger sister, star of the series "Desperate Housewives" Madison de la Garz in a recent interview told how Lovato is recovering in rehab.

The young actress reassured fans of the star, saying that the singer feels good and works hard to overcome all the consequences of her "fatal mistake". Now Demi is still in a rehabilitation center and will stay there for a long time, reports the Billboard publication..

"She really tries, she is determined to end this once and for all. I am very proud of my little one "- said De La Harz on a live Dakota TV program T. Jones.

According to the 16-year-old actress, the singer goes to classes with a psychologist, goes in for sports, goes for walks and does not think at all about her depression. Lovato is under constant supervision of specialists who are ready to assist at any time..

Family and close friends often visit the singer and are in touch with her 24 hours a day..

Madison also added that it was a difficult time for the whole family, but they went through all the difficulties together and are grateful to everyone for their support.. The girl noted that all the experiences of relatives of the singer are reflected in the new book of Diana de la Harz, the mothers of girls.

Recall, recently, Demi Lovato for the first time after an overdose was caught in public.

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