Kanye West changed the name and recorded the track with the homeless

01 October 2018, 15:11 | gossip
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Popular American rapper Kanye West, who recently announced his move to another city, decided to change his stage name..

On his Twitter page, the artist announced that he was not Kanye West, but Ye. He was probably inspired by one of his latest albums, which is called Ye. It is also worth noting that West posted a video in Twitter in which he shoots a homeless rapper in the name of Nino Blu..

As it turned out, he heard him reading rap on the street in New York, and decided to immediately invite him to his studio. "My name is Nino Blu, and I'm here with Kanye West. The other day was my birthday, and I just became homeless, because the guy where I lived was a little crazy, and I ended up here on the street, and Kanye took me to the studio now, "the guy commented on an unexpected chance from Kanye.

Recall recently Kanye West showed himself as a caring dad, having spent a weekend with his son St.

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