Touched and tried to kiss: Kevin Spacey was once again accused of harassment

01 October 2018, 14:21 | gossip
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The notorious actor Kevin Spacey, who was recently dropped from charges, was sued again.

As reported by the publication Hollywood Reporter, the High Court of the District of Los Angeles filed a new lawsuit against the actor.

The masseur, whose name is not disclosed, accuses him of sexual harassment.

The actor, previously excluded by Netflix from filming a new episode of the Cards House series due to the charges of sexual harassment against him, is now facing prosecution for alleged attacks.

According to the claimant in October 2016, someone on behalf of Spacey hired him as a masseur. After arriving at the private residence in Malibu, where Spacey was located, the masseur was taken to the massage room, after which the actor, according to the plaintiff, locked the door.

According to the massage therapist, Spacey complained about "pain and discomfort in the groin area" and several times forced the massage therapist to touch his genitals..

After the plaintiff’s refusal to continue the massage, Spacey allegedly began to touch him, touched him and tried to kiss him..

The plaintiff demands compensation for the damage caused to him - the edition does not name the amount. It is stated that the financial damage, loss of income and other types of damage suffered by the plaintiff are the result of the illegal circulation of Spacey.

Recall, the recently known actress, star of the tape "James Bond" Judy Dench supported Kevin Spacey and condemned the filmmakers who fired the actor because of a sex scandal.

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