I drank a glass and kissed a big fan for the fan: How was Enrique Iglesias' concert in Kiev

01 October 2018, 11:04 | gossip
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On Sunday, September 30, in spite of the evening coolness, the people of Kiev and the guests of the capital did not have time to freeze, because the hot Spaniard Enrique Iglesias had come to Kiev with his hot hits..

The singer did not come to us since 2007 - 11 years old devoted fans waited for the performance of an idol and finally they waited. On the way to the NSC "Olympic" formed kilometer queue.

Connoisseurs of creativity Iglesias big buses arrived from different regions of the country. The girls carried the favorite singer cute gifts - flowers, teddy bears.

Before the concert, due to the large number of visitors, trolley buses and cars could not pass through the city. In general, the sweet-haired Spaniard gathered more than 100 thousand spectators. People had to wait for the performance of the artist for three and a half hours. During this time, the Ukrainian singer with the Bolivian roots Michelle Andrade sang the anthem of Ukraine.

Enrique Iglesias, despite the cold, came out in a light T-shirt. The actor began his performance with the song Freak. Also during the evening, the artist performed his favorite fans Bailamos, Bailando, El bano, Ring my bells and many other hits.. True, often Enrique did not finish the song until the end, for him it was done by backing vocalists, the soundtrack was well audible. But the public is not too worried.

Iglesias actively communicated with the audience - he even pulled one pair out onto the stage, drank a glass with them and sang Knockin 'on heaven's door. Another fan was lucky even more - Enrique not only invited the girl to the stage, it was not without selfie, passionate hugs and even a hot kiss.. At the same time, Iglesias thanked the audience several times in Ukrainian.. Finally, the artist left a touching post after the concert in his Instagram. "Thank you for all the love, Ukraine", - Iglesias wrote in the photoblog.

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