MONATIK about their sons: I do not have souls in them

29 April 2018, 14:07 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer MONATIK, who shared his impressions of the trip to Disneyland with his sons, told how he brings up his children, says "The Secular Life".

At the YUNA-2018 Prize, the artist dedicated a poem to his sons, which he put on music, it was very touching.

"For a long time I wanted to devote something to them. I so rarely go home. A lot of things I do not have time to say, anything happens in life. And I just wanted to leave something now. Poems and songs - they are like photos. They do not understand now, but when they grow up, they will understand. I wrote there: "I hope that in 30 years I'll be a happy grandfather, together with our families we'll sit down at the table, listen to this tex, full of happiness and fun". I really meant it, and I would really like it to be so, "the singer admitted..

MONATIK even a little dreamed that he will be a grandfather in tattoos who will enjoy life, write and inspire others.

When Dmitry Monatik is at home, he plays with his sons. He believes that we should never forget a child, because it makes us younger.

"I learn from children.

And they also inspire and remind you that you were a child and you enjoyed life. Because we adults have a lot of questions, some problems, they catch us unaware, and they (children -. red. ) take and inspire, how to treat life, "- said the singer.

Also MONATIK admitted that he very much loves his sons. "I do not have any tea in them. I try to be the right example for them, "the singer added..

Recall, Dmitry Monaptic showed a video of how he created a joint song with Nina Matvienko "Tsei Den".

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