Jamala admitted that she does not plan to stay with one child

29 April 2018, 06:39 | gossip
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The Ukrainian singer and coach of the "Voice of the world" Jamal, who gave birth to the first child on March 27, shared her impressions of motherhood and told how she combines career and motherhood, says "Secular Life".

The actress, just two weeks after the birth, returned to work, she sat in the chair of the coach "Voice of the Kraini".

To care for the baby singer her parents and her husband's parents help. She also recently found a nanny.

"I leave food and try to feed before I go out. Today I fed and left for two hours, "- said the actress.

Jamala confessed that after the birth of her son, she wanted another child.

"And who knows? Why not? I can not say that it was easy, but when I gave birth, I have this thought:" Oh! We need a second! "It's so cool, it's such a feeling. I can not compare it with anything.

When you just put the child on the chest, "- said the singer.

Also the artist explained the meaning of the son's name - Emir-Rahman.

"Rahman - means compassionate, Emir - lord. And he is a prince for me, "said Jamala.

Another singer admitted that she always wanted to sleep. And sometimes she has the opportunity to sleep, especially before live broadcasts, while her parents take care of the baby.

Recall, Jamala said that Muslims do with the baby's hair.

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