Secret lover Avicii published a nagging message and showed joint photos with a DJ

29 April 2018, 02:44 | gossip
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The Czech model Teresa Kacherova admitted in her relationship with the DJ of Avicii and told about their life together. In the photoblog, the model published a photo with the DJ and her son from the previous relationship of Luka.

"I spent the last days as if in a dream, hoping that someone would wake me up and say that this is all a stupid joke, a terrible mistake. And only now I understand that I will never see you again, "Teresa wrote in a photoblog.

After the news of her death, the girl went to the DJ's house to "feel him around". Theresa noted that Tim and her son Luke have become very close.

"I always told you that Luke will not remember life without you. Now I hope that he will remember life with you. I will always remind him of you and I will show our joint videos, wherever we are with him, "- admits the girl. "You will not read Luka books in Czech any more, we will not play in a" monopoly ", we will not see the whole" Harry Potter ", I can never convince you to call our daughter Serafina, you will not end a tattoo on my hand with my face," - wrote the model.

Kacherova also acknowledges that they were with Avicii "complete opposites in almost all issues and beliefs, but perfectly complemented each other".

"My heart hurts when I think that I will not feel your touch, hear your laughter, see how our hands are woven, I will never kiss you. I always tried to hide our relationship, because I wanted them to be only ours. I thought that we would announce the world to us when I become pregnant from you. This plan is not destined to incarnate, "- writes Teresa.

Recall, April 20 at the age of 28 years died Swedish DJ Tim Bergling, better known under the pseudonym Avicii.

The musician was found dead in the capital of Oman, Muscat. In his death, no crime was found, and the family hinted that the actor committed suicide.

Tim Bergling was one of the ten highest-paid DJs in the world. His condition was estimated at $ 20 million a year. The most famous song of Avicii is called Wake Me Up. The clip for this track on YouTube has collected almost 1.5 billion views. Also among the most famous of his hits are Levels and Hey Brother.

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