Sexy Liz Hurley with an open neckline congratulated her son on his 16th birthday

05 April 2018, 16:39 | gossip
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Famous British actress Liz Hurley, who recently showed her almost bare chest, again aroused her fans with frank photos.

Hurley decided to congratulate her son Damian on his 16th birthday by posting to Instagram a photo together with him.

But not every mother congratulates her children in this dress.

52-year-old Liz photographed with the birthday boy, wearing a very frank attire with the neckline almost to the navel. "Happy birthday of my little prince. The light of my life in the last 16 years, "- wrote Liz.

As you know, her only son, the godfather of which is Elton John, the actress gave birth to a businessman Steve Bing.

Recall, Hurley recently reported that her former lover Hugh Grant was born a fifth child.

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