Sergei Babkin in Pure Thursday surprised by a cardinal change of appearance

05 April 2018, 14:26 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer and trainer of the project "Voice of the world" Sergei Babkin, who recently said that he united with his wife, decided to radically change the image.

On the eve of Easter on Pure Thursday the performer shaved his beard.

Photo of his updated image the singer shared on his Instagram page.

In the picture Babkin is depicted wearing glasses, a cap and with a carefully shaved face. "Clear Skies, Clean Thoughts, Pure Thursday. Happy holiday ", - Sergey signed his photo.

Admirers were very surprised by the artist's photo, some did not even recognize the famous male singer in the young man.

Recall, the other day the participants of the "Voice of the country" together with their coach Sergey Babkin arranged an apartment behind the scenes of his concert.

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