Osadchaya, Babkin and Ruslana congratulated Jamal on the birth of his first child

28 March 2018, 19:00 | gossip
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Colleagues of the singer and coach of the "Voice of the World" Jamali congratulated her on adding to the family.

So, Ekaterina Osadchaya, Ruslana and Sergei Babkin left in their social networks posts in which they wished the young mother and her baby health, and also asked to kiss from them the son of Jamala.

Ekaterina Osadchaya "I congratulate you, Jamala, in our merry company of young mothers and children," Voice of the land "replenishment! Health to the baby and only quiet nights to mom" Sergey Babkin "Ja! Our dear, beautiful, beloved!

From the bottom of our heart we congratulate you on the birth of your little son. A little angel appeared! Let grows strong and healthy. Let the happiness that shines today in your eyes, become a companion of his entire life. Love. Hug hard! Family Babkin "Ruslan" Congratulations to Jamal on the birth of his son! Jah, you're cool! I'm infinitely happy for you! Shoot him from me! "Recall that Jamala and her husband Bekir Suleymanov became parents on Tuesday, March 27. The couple gave the baby a name Emir-Rahman Seit-Bekir ogluy Suleymanov.

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