Taylor Swift's indignant in court told how the DJ was probing her for her bare buttocks

11 August 2017, 18:38 | gossip
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American singer Taylor Swift testified in court on the case of harassment by 55-year-old DJ and radio host David Mueller.

The incident occurred in 2013. Then during the group photo, Muller lifted the actress's skirt from behind and grabbed her by the bare buttock. It was seen by the guard Swift.

The performer claims that the DJ was drunk.

"He did it on purpose.

The capture was long enough, there can be no chance, "- emotionally recalled the situation of Swift, writes USA Today.

The same picture Note that after the incident, David Muller was fired, they say, Taylor Swift influenced the leaders of the radio station. In 2015, the DJ filed a lawsuit against Taylor and demanded three million dollars from her.

In turn, the star filed a counterclaim, which began to be considered only now. Parties refuse to resolve the conflict out of court.

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