Marichka Padalko showed a school photo with her beloved teacher

11 August 2017, 17:04 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Leading TSN Marichka Padalko, whose video from the school period touched the fans, supported the flashmob of her colleague Natalya Moseychuk # respecting the masters.

Star "1 + 1" shared a photo with her beloved teacher.

"The teacher who impressed me most over the 10 years of the school did not teach me a single lesson. This is my class teacher Margarita Semenovna Shpanko. At 81, she plans to say good-bye this year to our 57th school in Kiev. Since Margot taught English, the lesson led only for a third of all students. The first thing I remember when we came to her office on the fourth floor is a poster with the inscription "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to day it". I often nodded to this quotation of Thomas More (later I learned that he was mistakenly attributed to her) when we argued with the inflexible "Margosha". I've never been among her favorites. She obliged me to conduct political information. And although at that time it meant that on Wednesdays before the first lesson it was necessary to come to meetings for all "political reformers", and on Fridays to blush before my classmates with newspaper clippings, now I understand that these were my first "public" speeches that For many a big barrier, and my first "news" ", - recalled the leading.

Marichka remembered how they went to St. Petersburg with a class and a teacher.

"Many teachers gave a lot of knowledge, but they did not teach much lessons - sometimes very simple, which you remember all your life. For the first time about the beloved cartoon Margo, we all learned during the excursion to St. Petersburg. We came for a few days, and the goal of "classy" was to show us everything, literally this word. We were really passionate about the journey, but when after the next "march of the throw," we went into the subway, we just fell on the steps of the escalator, because we could not stand on our feet.

And in this place we always talked about the cartoon "Steam Engine from Romashkovo," where the protagonist said: "If one does not stop and do not look, you can never see it in your life," Padalko said..

Such lessons from Margarita Semenovna recently needed a star.

"This phrase I uttered to myself this summer. When we returned from Odessa to Kiev, my father wanted to stop at Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, and children at 35 degrees only wanted ice cream and air conditioning. The decisive voice was mine. And I remembered Margosha. And we stopped in Foteciu, and it was not so hot, and it was simply unforgettable. And could we go straight and, probably, never go there five, "- said the TV star in the social network.

By the way, at present time the reception of nominees for the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine prize. Presenting her teachers to her, Marichka called everyone.

"Have time to nominate your favorite school teachers for the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine prize. The main prize is 100,000 UAH. Acceptance of applications ends on August 15. So, very soon. Tell on Facebook about the best teachers to be proud of, support flashmobs # respect the masters Nominee teachers for the prize here, "stressed the leading and large mother.

Recall, the Global Teacher Prize - the most prestigious award for teachers. This year the best teacher will be selected for the first time in Ukraine as part of the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine award, curated by the leading TSN Natalia Moseichuk.

"The mission is to convince the teachers to believe in themselves, and the parents to understand that it is the No. 1 person in their life, to force the authorities to pay attention to the teacher and to make this person stand in the center. In my opinion, there are three professions on which countries are holding - this is a teacher, a medic and a military one, "Natalia Moseychuk told" Snidanku "1 + 1".

The Ukrainian project has an important mission - to increase the prestige of the teacher's profession, because education is a profitable investment in society.

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