50-year-old Salma Hayek charmed with charm in a luxurious photo shoot

11 August 2017, 14:09 | gossip
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American movie star Salma Gayek does not stop fascinating fans with his unfading beauty.

Recently, the actress sported appetizing forms in transparent outfits for Elle France, and now the celebrity appeared on the pages of The Edit.

True, in this photo shoot the image of Salma is more restrained, but not with less charm and sexuality, which are inherent in Hayek.

In an interview with the magazine, the 50-year-old actress pondered the eternal pursuit of youth and beauty.

"Sometimes I say:" I'm 50 years old! Why should I look good? I already have a boyfriend! "But I do not want to lose him. The worst side of age is my eyes, not wrinkles, namely vision. I'm an absolute visual, but now I can not even read without glasses. It's really sad. Problems with eyesight are even worse than menopause, "Hayek noted regretfully.

Recall, in June, Salma Hayek stripped herself in front of a mirror. Star published in a photo blog spicy photo.

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