The daughter of Jackson unveiled an archival photo with his father and brother

10 August 2017, 12:41 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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The young model and the daughter of the late pop king Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, who has a negative attitude towards speculation on her father's name, showed a rare shot with him.

In the photo in the photoblog of the star appear she, her brother Prince and the famous father.

At what, all three are squatting.

"Tusovka," - briefly signed its publication Paris.

The photo was taken during the childhood of the descendants of an outstanding singer. By the way, now the 19-year-old Paris makes a successful modeling career, presenting in photosessions and magazines.

She is even compared with Madonna in her youth, although she has not yet started singing.

Recall, Paris Jackson for a long time did not communicate with her mother. But in October 2016 she was reconciled to Debbi Rou.

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