Brain congratulated the ex-spouse Ponomareva on his birthday archival photo

10 August 2017, 03:13 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Today, his 44th birthday is celebrated by singer, TV host and People's Artist of Ukraine Alexander Ponomarev.

On this day, Alexander's ex-wife, producer Alena Mozgovaya, congratulated him on the holiday by posting a joint archive photo on Facebook.

"Alexander, happy birthday! Be happy! Forces, health, inspiration, love! P. I found a photo in the archive, I do not remember the year, "she signed a photo of Brain where she is depicted with Ponomarev and their daughter.

Also, Alena remembered how, in his time, young Ponomarev built all during the festival "Tavriyskie Games" and how everyone got it "for nuts".

"Hands up" was exactly afraid. With guards were taken out. But they got it for work, they made an ugly stand in the direction of Ukraine for what they got, "she added..

Recall that recently Alexander Ponomarev, along with his 9-year-old son from his second marriage with Victoria Martynyuk arranged a trip to Europe.

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