Logunova in the updated image showed touching photos with her daughter and Stupka

10 August 2017, 01:18 | gossip
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Young mother and actress Polina Logunova boasted a new image in photos in social networks. Frames, along with Dmitry Stupka and little Bogdana, touched users.

At that, the individual objects for compliments were the slender figure of Polina in a swimsuit and her numerous tattoos.

Now the brown-haired Logunova still does not show the daughter's face, however the photos with the girl, nevertheless, cause admiration for the fans of the couple.

"If you want to make the whole world happy, go home and love your family," she stressed with a signature to one of the pictures.

By the way, on August 25th, the daughter of the celebrity spouses will be four months old.

Recall, recently Polina and Dmitry talked with TSN. Ua. In the first joint interview in the status of parents, Logunova and Stupka were told about the nature of the little daughter.

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