Star "1 + 1" Alex Dushka starred with a 7-month-old daughter in a family photo shoot

10 August 2017, 01:18 | gossip
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The author and presenter of the program "Zhittya without cheating" for 1 + 1 Alex Dushka, who in December last year became a father, together with his wife Elena and 7-month-old daughter Dasha starred in a touching family photo shoot.

Family posed for the magazine "Telenedelya". In an interview with the newspaper, the young pope spoke about how his life changed with the appearance of crumbs, the division of family responsibilities and how he combined paternity with work on a new season "Zhittya without cheating".

"Like most men, I first dreamed of a son. I imagined how I would go to the gym with him, play football. But as soon as you take a newborn baby in your arms, everything changes, - the TV host recalls with trembling. - I remember how I called my wife in the hospital and said that I was going to her, and in response I heard "I already gave birth" and the crying of the baby, I understood: what a boy there is! The girl is a completely different level. When a small half-awake woman hugs and puts a head on your shoulder, you just melt. And how does it smell ... Like a roll with vanilla! ".

According to him, there is no clear division of labor in their family. Alexei is easy to change diapers and cuddle my daughter before bedtime. The host admits that with the appearance of Dasha in their lives, much has changed.

"I loved to go to good movies. While from family trips to the movies had to refuse. But they were replaced by cozy home evenings and walks in the parks - it's much nicer, - says Alexei. - I postponed my sports activities. The training sessions were usually late at night, and the evenings are now busy - I hurry home to my girls. But in the form of myself I keep due to proper nutrition. To the choice of products with the advent of Dasha, by the way, I'm even more careful. Although, it would seem, much stronger, "- laughs leading.

By the way, in autumn, Alex Dushka will again help viewers choose products of European quality at the Ukrainian price. The project team will give an alternative to the choice of products, dividing the goods that are tested in three categories: optimal products that meet the "price-quality" criterion; The best products with the cost above the average and the worst - which do not correspond to Ukrainian standards.

See the new season "Zhittya without cheating" with Alexei Dushka already in autumn for 1 + 1 ".

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