A secular way out with a boyfriend: Lopez in a dress with an open neckline came to the wedding of a football player

08 August 2017, 22:28 | gossip
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The singer and actress Jennifer Lopez increasingly appears in public with her beloved Alex Rodriguez.

This time the couple visited the wedding of football player Alex Svejk and the daughter of Moroccan billionaire Mark Lasri - Sophie.

The paparazzi caught Jay Law and Rodriguez in New York, when they were heading for the holiday, holding hands.

In her photoblog, the singer announced with her boyfriend, made in the car.

For such an event, the artist chose a tight dress of emerald color with a deep neckline, and her chosen one is a classic suit.

Recall, the media reported on the relationship between Jennifer Lopez and baseball player Alex Rodriguez in March 2017. The star has already introduced the chosen one to her children and does not hide feelings towards him in front of the cameras.

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