On the carpets and shame in the museum: "Boombox" prepared two clips at once for the song "Goli King"

08 August 2017, 17:32 | gossip
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The Ukrainian collective "Бумбокс" unconventional has approached to a film adaptation of the song "Goliy the king".

The musicians prepared two clips for the song at once..

The ideological inspirer of the first version, which is already available on the web, was the frontman of the group Andrei Khlyvnyuk.

"The Naked King. Vershia Persha, on the Kilim ", - this is the name of the video, where they appear changed to the unrecognizability of" Sound department "of the Dovzhenko studio, soft light, carpets on the floor and a narrow circle of invited people.

But on the second version of the clip to the song, where there will be debauch in the supermarket and shame in the National Art Museum, the producer of the group Alexei Sogomonov. It will be shown at 20. 00. The director of two videos is Denis "Didi" Duzhnik.

If in the first version the director, seven operators, three sound producers and the public concentrated their attention on musicians, in the second - the main characters were Belarus Free Theater, the city of Kiev and its inhabitants.

Video "Naked King" is not the first joint work of BFT and Boombox. In 2015, the "I'm with the Banned" action with the participation of David Gilmour, Jeremy Irons, Victoria Modesty, Brutto, Neil Tennant, was recognized as one of the best theater productions of the year.

"We decided that there will be two versions of the clip and we will launch them in one day. It is done so or not - what's the difference? We will do. We Battle, albeit comic. Khlyvnyuk vs. Sogomonov. On my side, the growth and the microphone stand, on the side of Alexei all the producer's troops. Seriously, I'm pleased to present both versions. Concert version of "King" - a video from the bidding of the first official video of the concert "Boombox".

A clip with BFT - it's good that we've been together for several years - an experiment, sometimes on the verge of a foul, but why not? Thank you BB-Family, BFT and everyone who participated in both projects, "- comments video work Khlyvnyuk.

Recall, "Naked King" - the second single from the self-titled mini-album, in March, "Boombox" released a song and video "The Nights" Release of the mini-album "The Naked King" will be held in August 2017. It will be available on CDs, cassettes, vinyl and in digital form.

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