Assiya Ahat performed a magical ritual and turned into a doll in a new clip

08 August 2017, 14:56 | gossip
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The famous violinist and singer Assia Akhat, whose husband ruined all her plans for her birthday, presented an unusual video for a new song "Binds".

Akhat not only changed her appearance, but also "engaged in" magic. The clip begins with the fact that at dawn the actress walks on the grass barefoot, whispers something and hides in a ball a string of threads. And it's not just a beautiful picture - it looks like a real magic ritual, which in the final turns it into a doll.

The plot was based on the long-standing Ukrainian tradition of weaving dolls-motanki. Once women gave them to their husbands, children, relatives, it was believed that they protected them from trouble. And that dolls had power, they wove by special rules and only with prayer. The director of the video, the famous feshen photographer Sonia Plakydyuk, for whom this work became a debut as a clipmaker, seriously studied the folk culture, communicated with those who today, after centuries, are engaged in making amulets.

Wanting to give the ongoing action even more mysticism, the clip used the effect of "glitch". The leitmotiv through all the videos is a red thread that, like in a fairy tale, can tie and twist.

"I wanted to emphasize that this is not only about the relationship between a man and a woman. We were shooting twins, a young guy with a girl, a mother with a daughter, who will also show how they are weaving ties, "said Sonia Plakydyuk.

In the clip Akhat changed six images. Dresses were created by Anna Osmekhina and Ekaterina Kuleshova.

The well-known hair artist Lera Gornostay conjured seven hours over the hair of Assia. Hair had to be treated with special glue, then dried, so that they do not crumble, and lay down undulating.

Choreography in the style of Vogue put ex-member of the group KAZAKY Artem Lazarev.

In the video, 17-year-old twin sisters Alisa and Sasha Pankratov were shot, the girls are professional models, they work in Paris and Milan. A small daughter was played by 8-month-old Sofia, the girl was casted and starred along with her real mom.

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