Exquisite Glory from "NeAngelov" showed grown up children in a family photo shoot

08 August 2017, 12:35 | gossip
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Slava Kaminskaya, one of the soloists of the duo "NeAngely", who denied a wave of rumors about a third pregnancy, starred in a family photo shoot.

Together with the grown up children - son Leon and daughter Laura Slava decorated the pages of glossy Viva.

In the photo the singer appears in an elegant image - a snow-white dress, the actress's daughter sits in her arms, and the son stands beside him.

In an interview glossy Slava shared how she lives with her husband, plastic surgeon Edgar Kaminsky.

"Yes, I'm a person with a character. In general, we have ice and flame: I am a choleric person, my husband is a phlegmatic person. It's that cocktail.

But anyway, I'm smarter - I concede more often, I understand where it is necessary to remain silent. Experience in show business does its job. Ed has so far no such experience. He just needs time. In general, I know that all families have three years - this is the period when the first crisis sets in.. And at us a special situation: at once children and bytovuha. But still somehow they get used to it, they make up, "- said Glory.

Recall, in early April, "NeAngel" Slava showed an archive photo of herself with pigtails.

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