Rihanna with aqua hair barely squeezed a lush chest in a sexy outfit

08 August 2017, 11:06 | gossip
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Singer Rihanna, who recently released a provocative clip, knows and knows how to shock the public.

As we wrote earlier, RieRi has recently recovered significantly, but this did not stop her from wearing a candid outfit for the annual Crop Over festival in her native Barbados.

On the page in Instagram, the star laid out a few photos from the festival, which caused a furore among fans.

In the photographs, Rihanna appears with aqua hair, a costume made of colored stones from celebrity clothes, which consisted of a bra, thongs, jewelry on the arms and legs.

The image of the singer was complemented by a lush tail like a peacock made of colored feathers.

By the way, Rihanna takes part annually in the Crop Over festival in Barbados. festival history dates back to the XVII century, when the inhabitants of the island songs and dances celebrated the end of the collection of the sugar cane harvest.

Recall, in late July, Rihanna in a large man's suit met with the first lady of France.

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