Mogilev risked his life during a concert in Odessa

31 July 2017, 15:39 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer and participant of the project "Dancing with the sun" Natalia Mogilevskaya, who told about her diet, on the weekend performed in the Odessa club "Ithaca".

But Saturday's bad weather nearly disrupted the performance of the artist. Because of the thunderstorm, the singer's flight was detained for two hours and, instead of the declared ten in the evening, the star appeared on the scene deep after midnight.

Almost four hours, in the pouring rain, the fans chanted: "Mogilev!", Steadily enduring the bad weather. Soaked to the skin, they did not disperse even when the lightning flashed and it smelled of real "Armageddon".

"The most part of the equipment broke down: before the concert we were repairing the sound control panels, flooded the speakers, musical instruments. "- the singer's musicians tell.

After reaching the "Ithaca" Mogilevskaya for another hour "fought" with techniques that "bones" barred her from entering the stage.

"Waters on the stage on the ankle, look, the wires in the puddles, you can be electrocuted!" - tried to convince Natalie sound engineers. - We, once, already had a fatal incident. Well, what concert? You can not! ".

In turn, Mogilev said that in any case, will play a concert, because it can not let its fans.

"People have been standing for almost four hours! I take full responsibility for myself," said Natalia, and then she stepped onto the stage, changing her heels to sneakers, escaping from the rubber sole.

The adventure did not stop.

Because of the rain, the monitors that brought sound to the stage went out of action. The singer and musicians practically did not hear each other and played the concert "blindly".

By the way, instead of the forty-five minutes, the singer played a one and a half hour program, singing almost all the songs from the repertoire.

Recall that earlier Natalia Mogilevskaya showed how she was preparing for the concert. The star shared piquant photos from the choreographic hall, in which she embraced with three handsome men.

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