Unemployed Anatoly Anatoly: what does the facilitator do after the departure from "1 + 1"

31 July 2017, 12:23 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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After ex-leading "Snidanka from 1 + 1" Anatoly Anatoly left the country's longest show, he decided to show how the unemployed 33-year-old Ukrainian lives.

In his Instagram, the TV presenter frankly shows and talks about his studies under the hashtag # unemployed. Free Anatolich relaxes in the beauty salon, goes to her homeland in Krivoi Rog, makes new tattoos and crossfit.

Parallel Anatolich captures everything in the photo.

Recall, recently Anatoly Anatoly - ex-presenter "Snidanka with 1 + 1" - in his Instagram addressed to his former colleagues from the channel and told about the joint work.

Earlier, in May 2017, Anatolich launched his own program, "Ze Interviewer", whose guests have already become popular Ukrainian people: the singer of the year MONATIK, Olympic champion Jean Belenuk, representative of Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Zhenya Galich, ex-member of the group "Mushrooms" Kyivstoner and others.

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