Rihanna's frank video is rapidly gaining views on the Web

31 July 2017, 11:00 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Barbados star Rihanna, whose supernotal neckline was screened in ridiculous photographic labs, pleased the fans with the release of a new video work on the track Loyalty.

The composition was recorded in a duet with rapper Kendrick Lamar. In the video, performers play lovers. Video resembles a real action.

In it, men fight because of Rie, then Lamar holds the singer's hand when he hangs down from the skyscraper.

Then the couple gets into an accident and, finally, the happy lovers slowly go underground in loose asphalt.

Interestingly, the clip of Rihanna and Kendrick actively scores on the Web. For several days, the video looked almost 15 million users.

Recall recently Rihanna in a large men's suit met with the first lady of France. The star dramatically changed the style of clothes.

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