“Ti [Romance]”: a Ukrainian group created an album-musical about the writers of the “Executed Revival”

05 March 2024, 01:16 | Art
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On February 29, the Ukrainian group " In addition, the musicians created a video dedicated to the famous Slovo House.

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The album consists of 17 tracks, all of them are interconnected by a plot and smoothly transition into each other. The creators ask not to listen to the tracks separately.

“The album begins with the track “Even before that, you were injected”. It contains the groundwork - about the betrayal of Pavel Tychyna. Further in the chronological sequence of events from 1918 to 1937. All tracks are connected to each other and should not be listened to separately. For example, we first introduce the listener to the news that the “Slovo” house was created in Kharkov, then – repressions, then – the story of Tychyn with his poem. Moreover, events that happened 100 years ago are intertwined with modern times and the war against Russia. Namely, the track “Third Company” about Sosyur. It turns out that he served in the 3rd Gaidamak Regiment of the Ukrainian People's Republic Army. 100 years ago there was the “Third Gaydamatsky”, and today we have the legendary “Third Assault”,” comments Alexander Khomenko, author of the lyrics and the idea for the album..

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It took the creators six months to create the lyrics for the album.. They tried not only to rethink the works of Ukrainian artists of the 1920-30s, but also to find unknown facts about that time. And one of them became the basis for the track “Party of Veda,” which talks about the betrayal of Pavel Tychyna.

A separate person was involved in the search for stories and facts from the lives of artists - photographer and designer Solomiya Kozolup. She found photographs, videos, and newspaper clippings of that time in electronic archives, which formed the basis of the compositions.

The album was recorded in collaboration with Sergei Zhadan, Evgeniy Yanovich, the groups “Heitspitch” and NAZVA, Elena Kravets, Sergei Martynyuk and other artists. Each of them personified one or another image of that era.

“Elena Kravets in the composition “Suspilna Vlasnist” played the system itself: first the KGB, then the NKVD, which catches and destroys those who try to go against. She herself wrote to us by email and said that if we have an interesting role for her, she is ready to join the project. This is how the ninth track in the album appeared. Sergei " Pavel Gots from the NAZVA group told the story of Les Kurbas, and Dmitry Odnorozhenko from the Heitspitch group became the avant-garde poet Mikhail Semenko,” adds Nikolai Shmundir, producer of the project.

The project " Its members include:

Alexander Khomenko (texts, recitative), Viktor Tkachenko (texts, music, sound production) and Nikolai Shmundir (recitative, PR). The group has already created documentaries about the history of Shchedryk, Pavel Tychin, Ivan Bagryan, Vasily Stus and Vasily Symonenko. The group has two studio releases to its credit: “MUR Vol. 1" They included songs based on poems by Ivan Franko, Vasyl Stus, Mykola Vingranovsky, Pavel Tychyna, Vasyl Symonenko, Yuriy Izdryk and other Ukrainian poets.

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