Safety educators: specialists in safety in the educational environment will appear in Ukraine

29 August 2022, 09:04 | Art
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Within a few days, from the beginning of the new academic year, in nine regions, specialists in safety in the educational environment, " The deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ekaterina Pavlichenko announced changes to the educational process in the Kyiv region, Zaporozhye and Kirovohrad region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Odessa region, Sumy region and other regions.

It is preliminary known that the activity will not be voluntary, it is paid work, which, most likely, will become a point of financing from the territorial communities. The Ministry of Internal Affairs launched a project together with the Ministry of Education and Science and UNICEF.

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Security specialists were trained offline at the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

“Safety educators” mastered the skills and abilities from the sphere of a child’s life in war conditions. We are talking, among other things, about the psychological aspects of the child's behavior, pre-medical training, organization and planning of events in crisis situations, fire safety, evacuation, civil protection in a state of war, handling explosive objects, aspects of administrative and criminal liability for violations committed by children.

Recall that the number of Ukrainian children who died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation has increased, the Office of the Prosecutor General has recently published its statistics..

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